Donagh Development Association has been given further good news in that they will benefit by getting €20,000 from
the Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme (ORIS) plus €3600 from the Oscar Sports Grant. However this funding
has to be spent on developments, which have been planned, and unfortunately it will need added funding from the
DDA to complete the work. Hopefully those who enjoy the facility and all who can see the benefit of having such a
marvellous amenity in our area will support any fundraising that the DDA might organise.
Minister Heather Humphreys met with the committee along with neighbours, walkers and local representatives at the
Lake on Saturday, December 14th to hear details of the development plans and to congratulate the committee and all
involved in the project for providing such a marvellous facility and for maintaining it in excellent condition. The
funding which has been granted to the committee will be used to construct a new entrance to the lake and develop
the swimming area. It is hoped this work will begin in the new year.All then retired to Emyvale Leisure Centre where
tea/coffee and very tasty bite were served and the chatting continued. Chairman of the DDA, John Sherry, thanked
the Minister for her support and Senator Robbie Gallagher and Monaghan Co. Council for all their support. He thanked
the members of the committee and all the others who have helped with maintenance and development of the Emy
Lake Walkway. John also thanked the ladies who were responsible for the catering. The DDA AGM will be held in
January at a date to be announced.
Emy Beach: The development work at the Emy Lake Walkway is almost completed but the Walkway opened again for the public on
Sunday morning last, May 25th. There have been many words of compliment issued by users who are very happy with the
developments and expressed their thanks to the Donagh Development Association Committee. The work was carried out by
Wattersons and they must also be complimented for the quality of their work and the speed with which they completed the job. The
Entrance at the Car Park has a new look with new walls and pillars. The pillars are left to strength before the new Gates are erected.
The entrance at the Diamond Lane side has also been upgraded and will be easier to maintain going forward.
However the big addition is the removal of the flagstones from the area known as the swimming area as they were very dangerous
due to their slippery condition. They have been replaced with a sandy shore with grassed areas at both sides. The present weather
should bring on the growth of the grass-seed that little bit faster. The current spell of warm/hot weather is also attracting big
numbers to the shore and it is hoped that people will be aware of the dangers of water and take all precautions to remain safe. We
certainly do not want another death due to drowning as I can remember vividly the evening of August 14th 1964 when my best
friend, 18 year old Val Forde, lost his life in the lake just off shore from the swimming area. It was pointed out after the post
mortem that there are a lot of fresh water springs between the shore and the island going out from the swimming area. This water
is cold and a swimmer going from the warmer water into a sudden stream of cold water can suffer a major cramp in the stomach
muscles and this can take you under. So hopefully people will be very careful and stay within their depth.
This is a great achievement by the Donagh Development Association and Emyvale Development Association is proud to say that
they were involved in the formation of the DDA. However it was the great work of the committee members over the intervening
years which has brought the project to fruition and it is a credit to them. Throughout they received excellent support from
Monaghan County Council and indeed a Council manager, Joe Gavin, did everything he could to advance the plans and to get the
project off the ground and moving forward. At their last meeting the Committee passed a vote of sympathy to his family, as his
funeral took place on Monday May 11th last.
The work of the DDA goes on and four new members have joined the Committee. Ronan Watterson, Ciara McAree, Jack Kelly and
Eleanor Connolly are the new members and it is terrific to see young people getting involved. We wish them well and know that
they will enjoy working with the other members.